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Childhood ADHD Quiz 2024 – Self-Assessment Test

A childhood ADHD quiz can give you an idea of whether your child shows ADHD symptoms. If they score high, a professional can help.

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Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition. Symptoms develop before the age of 12, and most people are diagnosed during elementary school. 

Children with ADHD have a difficult time focusing, and they may struggle with behavior and performance at school. There are different forms of ADHD that can affect a child’s functioning. 

Some children have the inattentive form, while others have the hyperactive/impulsive form. Finally, some children struggle with both inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity.

If you’re worried your child may have ADHD, taking the childhood ADHD quiz below can be helpful. It will give you an idea of where your child’s symptoms fall. 


Childhood ADHD Quiz


Step 0 of 10











My child struggles to sit still and stay seated at school.

My child gets in trouble at school for blurting out answers or interrupting when the teacher is talking.

My child grows very impatient when waiting their turn in a line.

My child avoids homework, chores, or any other tasks that require mental effort.

My child is always on the move, appearing as if they are operated by a motor.

My child regularly loses important items, such as their homework, coat, or book bag.

My child makes careless mistakes when completing schoolwork.

My child is easily distracted and cannot focus on the same task for very long.

My child struggles to keep their room, desk, bookbag, and personal items organized.

My child often talks non-stop.

Your Result

Childhood ADHD Quiz

How This ADHD Quiz Works

This quiz is intended to be taken by a parent or caretaker of a child. Answer the questions based on your observation of the child’s behavior.

A child who receives a higher score on this childhood ADHD quiz is more likely to have ADHD. If your child scores high, follow up with a mental health professional for assessment and treatment.

Who Is This Childhood ADHD Quiz For? 

This quiz is for any parent or caretaker who is worried their child may have ADHD. If your child struggles with focus and hyperactivity, they may have ADHD. Take this quiz to see where their symptoms fall.

Is It Accurate?

This quiz cannot diagnose ADHD in children. However, it can help you determine if your child is likely showing ADHD symptoms. The quiz is based on diagnostic criteria for the disorder. 

Keep in mind that ADHD symptoms can present as either inattention or hyperactivity/impulsivity. This quiz gives an indicator of overall ADHD symptoms but cannot differentiate between the two types of ADHD.

Other Things You Might Want To Know

If you’re seeking guidance on childhood ADHD, the following resources provide helpful information:

Frequently Asked Questions

How common is childhood ADHD?

According to a 2023 study, 12.9% of children in the United States have ADHD.

How is childhood ADHD diagnosed?

Childhood ADHD and other mental health disorders are diagnosed using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. This manual lists diagnostic criteria for ADHD and other mental health disorders.

Who can diagnose childhood ADHD?

Childhood ADHD is diagnosed by physicians, psychiatrists, or mental health professionals. Mental health professionals who may diagnose ADHD include psychologists, professional counselors, and clinical social workers. Psychiatric nurse practitioners may also diagnose ADHD.


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Jennifer Jacobsen is a university professor and mental health professional with over 10 years of experience writing in the health and wellness space.

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