Agoraphobia Quiz 2024 – Self-Assessment Test

Take an agoraphobia quiz to see where your symptoms fall and help you determine if it's time to seek a professional assessment.

Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder[1] that leads to an intense fear of specific situations in which leaving is difficult. If you live with agoraphobia, situations like being in a crowd can instill extreme fear.

If you think you might have agoraphobia, it can be helpful to take an agoraphobia quiz. The quiz below can’t diagnose you, but it will give you an idea of whether it’s time to seek professional treatment.


Agoraphobia Quiz

Answer the questions below to see where you fall in terms of agoraphobia symptoms.


Step 0 of 10











I find being in crowds to be terrifying.

I dislike situations in which I worry I will not be able to easily escape.

I become anxious when I am outside of my home alone.

I am completely home-bound due to anxiety.

I dislike being in open spaces because of the anxiety it causes me.

I am extremely afraid of using public transportation.

I experience intense anxiety when standing in line.

I become anxious when I am in an enclosed space like an elevator.

I avoid leaving my home because I am worried about having a panic attack in public.

I tend to avoid situations that will be hard to leave, such as being in a crowd or riding a public bus.

Your Result

Agoraphobia Quiz

How This Agoraphobia Quiz Works

This quiz evaluates how likely you are to be experiencing symptoms of agoraphobia. It is based upon diagnostic symptoms of this disorder. 

You will receive a total score between 0 and 40. Higher scores indicate a higher level of agoraphobia symptoms. Your total score is the sum of your responses across all items.

Who Is This Agoraphobia Quiz For?

This agoraphobia quiz is for anyone who might be struggling with symptoms of anxiety. If you experience worry in situations outside of the home, it can be helpful to take this quiz. 

This may also be helpful if you experience fear in situations that are hard to leave like being in a crowd or riding in an elevator. It can also be useful for a friend or loved one experiencing anxiety when outside of the home.

Is It Accurate?

This agoraphobia quiz cannot diagnose agoraphobia. However, it can provide insight into whether you have symptoms of this anxiety disorder. 

The questions in this quiz are based on diagnostic symptoms of agoraphobia.[1] So, the questions here can give you an accurate reflection of your likelihood of having this mental health condition. 

Other Things You Might Want To Know

If you’re taking this agoraphobia quiz, you might be interested in additional resources about anxiety disorders. 

Explore the resources below for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

How common is agoraphobia?

Globally, around 1.5%[4] of people will experience agoraphobia within their lifetimes. Within a given year, around 1.0%[4] of people experience agoraphobia.

How is agoraphobia diagnosed?

In the United States, clinicians use the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,[5] 5th Edition, to diagnose anxiety disorders. This book lists diagnostic criteria for a variety of mental health conditions, including agoraphobia.

Who can diagnose agoraphobia?

Agoraphobia is diagnosed by physicians, psychiatrists or mental health professionals. Mental health professionals who may diagnose agoraphobia include psychologists, professional counselors, and clinical social workers. Psychiatric nurse practitioners may also diagnose agoraphobia.

How serious is agoraphobia?

According to a survey of U.S. adults with agoraphobia, 40.6%[6] experienced severe impairment from the disorder. Furthermore, 30.7%[6] experienced moderate impairment, while 28.7%[6] experienced mild impairment.


Blurtitout employs stringent sourcing standards, using only peer-reviewed studies and academic research to ensure the accuracy of its content. For details on their editorial process, you can visit their website. This commitment to reliable sources is crucial in the health and medical fields. If you need help finding or interpreting these sources

  1. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). (2024). Anxiety Disorders. [online] Available at:
  2. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). (2017). Agoraphobia. [online] Available at:
  3. (2022). Agoraphobia: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. [online] Available at:
  4. Roest, A.M., Ymkje Anna Vries, Carmen, Hans‐Ulrich Wittchen, Stein, D.J., Adamowski, T., Al‐Hamzawi, A., Bromet, E.J., Maria Carmen Viana, Girolamo, G., Koen Demyttenaere, Florescu, S., Oye Gureje, Josep Maria Haro, Hu, C., Karam, E.G., José Miguel Caldas‐de‐Almeida, Kawakami, N., Jean Pierre Lépine and Levinson, D. (2019). A comparison of DSM ‐5 and DSM ‐IV agoraphobia in the World Mental Health Surveys. Depression and anxiety, [online] 36(6), pp.499–510. doi:
  5. Park, S.-C. and Kim, Y.-K. (2020). Anxiety Disorders in the DSM-5: Changes, Controversies, and Future Directions. Advances in experimental medicine and biology, [online] pp.187–196. doi:
  6. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). (2017). Agoraphobia. [online] Available at:


Jennifer Jacobsen is a university professor and mental health professional with over 10 years of experience writing in the health and wellness space.

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